Braxton Patterson won "Priest For A Day" at our School Gala, and shadowed me and Father Jerome on Thursday, May 16. It is a great way to promote vocations to the priesthood. In addition to sitting in on some meetings, helping at school Mass, and joining me and the Latta’s on a sick visit, I asked him to write something for the bulletin. Below, you will find his column.
Today, we started with Muffins with Mom and Mass. I wrote my own homily and helped with the altar servers. Today’s (Thursday) reading was about how the Sadducees and Pharisees saw Jesus. The Sadducees said, “We don’t believe that the man up there was really risen, we believe that he was told by an angel to say that.” The Pharisees said, “That is truly the risen lord. We believe that he is risen.” The two groups started a fight. All because they disagreed. After mass I came back to the office, and helped Fr. Jerome with the calendar, prayers of the faithful, and Talitha Koum schedule.
I got to go to visit the homebound people and got to eat lunch with the priests. Since may is the month of Mary, I wrote this prayer. Mary, we love you, we thank you, we pray that you will watch over us, now until the hour of our death.
This weekend on Sunday is the Pentecost. This means that the lord, after he had risen, he was on Earth for 50 days then went up to the right hand of the father. On this day we believe as Catholics that the Holy Spirit came down and came upon all of us.
I do encourage any young men and women that are feeling like they are being called to the priesthood or religious life to follow that call. A way you can live that out is by altar severing, recently I have seen less and less servers. Altar serving is a really good way to live out your calling.