This weekend you get to hear a little bit from me. These last few weeks I have been in a very reflective mood. The month of May is filled with end of the school year activities. After so many graduations, awards assemblies, field days and fun days, it is hard not to look back over the year that is coming to a close. Something I have been moved to, again and again, throughout this season is immense awareness of how much we have to be thankful for. The many gifts and accomplishments of our students and educators are truly amazing when we pause and take account of them. Thankfulness is a hallmark sign of a soul which is in right relationship with oneself, other people, the state of affairs of the world and with God.
This spirit of thankfulness brought on by the end of the year activities has led me to think over the last 12 months of being assigned here at St. Eugene and Mount St. Mary. It is hard to believe that it has been 12 months! In three weeks, Fr. Jim (and our treacherous cadre of pets) will have been here for an entire year. I feel so grateful to be a part of these two exceptional communities of disciples. I will admit that for having grown up just a little north of St. Eugene I was embarrassingly unaware of the life and culture of the parish here. I can sincerely say this last year has been a privileged time in my young priesthood, and I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to be a part of this community. As I continue to learn more about the wonderful heritage of faith here at St. Eugene, I find myself thankful to belong to this parish. When the Archbishop let me know that I would be here another year, I was again thankful. Here’s to all the wonderful things in the year to come!