While the exact beginnings of the season of Advent remain uncertain, it is clear that there were monastic roots. By the late fifth century, monks were fasting for the forty days before Christmas. In time, the spirituality of Advent spread to the larger church. Christians were instructed to pray, fast, and give alms in preparation for the coming of Jesus at the end of the world and in preparation of the Feast of Christmas.
While Advent is not a “mini Lent”, there are penitential undercurrents to the season, especially as we contemplate the Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell. We should spend the brief but eloquent season reading scripture, praying, and giving alms to the poor. Making a good confession before the Feast of Christmas is also highly encouraged.
Each Sunday of Advent, after the 9:30 am Mass, I am going to offer scripture study on the holy women in Jesus’ genealogy, according to St. Matthew. Each of these women are remarkable in their faith, their intelligence, and for their somewhat scandalous reputations. The first Sunday of Advent will center on two women from the Old Testament: Tamar and Rahab. We’ll meet that Sunday in the chapel. The following Sundays, we’ll meet in the conference room. Please bring a Bible with you!