OG&E has reached out to us with an offer to help us bury the electrical lines running between the current school building and the new Early Childhood Center. While, their "grant" money is significant (over $70,000), the cost to bury the lines will add approximately $400,000 to the cost of the project. We've met with some of our staunchest supporters, explained the opportunity, and asked for their feedback. The reaction was very positive. This is the moment, the opportunity, to get this done.
So, here is the ask: we're hoping that parishioners will either make a one-time gift to the electrical line project or agree to extend their current pledge by one more year. I'm going to give an additional $500 and would ask you to consider at least that amount. (You can pay it out over the next several months, as I plan to do).
We'll have special envelopes available for you in the narthex.
OCTOBER IS THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY Praying the rosary on a daily basis is one of the best spiritual habits you can embrace. For me, even the feel of the beads in my hands brings peace. One way you can use your time wisely and make room for the rosary in your life is to keep a rosary in your car. I find that praying a decade or two while I'm driving to and from a sick call, or just driving to the supermarket, helps me keep my Christianity while in traffic.
Then, of course, a rosary by your bedside is a great way to remember to pray before you turn in for the night. I love the Catholic lore that insists that, if we fall asleep while praying the rosary, our Guardian Angel finishes it for us.
If you pray a rosary in a church or chapel, the Church grants you a plenary indulgence. (The normal requirements apply: be in a state of grace; pray for the Pope; go to Mass and receive Eucharist; go to confession and not be attached to sin.)
Due to construction, our Sunday morning parking situation is, well, messy. I must remind you not to block fire lanes. Remember that we also have a 5pm Mass on Saturday and a 5pm Mass on Sunday. We have another Spanish Mass at 7pm on Sunday. Parking for those Masses is more than ample!
You might also consider carpooling with friends for a while.