We are a parish blessed with growth. With growth comes more traffic. Construction on the new Childhood center. Has caused us to lose some parking spots.
I have a few suggestions that might make our parking situation better.
First, the post office is not open on Sundays and those parking spots are available. It is an easy walk from there to the front door of the church.
Second, the new plaza that The Village built just around the corner from the parish on Vineyard Boulevard has tons of parking spots. If you want to get a nice walk in on Sunday morning, and go to church, that would be a great place to park.
Please remember that we may not park in the fire lane.
For a $1000 gift to the early childhood center I will be happy to reserve you a parking spot at the rectory.
Finally, you might consider carpooling to church. Find someone who lives near you and take turns driving each other to church.
Early Childhood Center Update
Construction is on time and on budget. Remember that the budget for this project is $6 million. We are rapidly running out of cash on hand and will have to begin borrowing from the archdiocese soon.
If you were able to pay off your pledge, the cash would come in very handy for us. The less we have to borrow the better for the parish.
We anticipate that the facility will be ready to occupy sometime in late spring or early summer, and will open in August.