It’s not breaking news to share the fact that many young people are 1.) Foregoing marriage altogether; or, 2.) Cohabitating for a significant amount of time before seeking a sacramental marriage. Marriage rates have fallen dramatically in recent years. With that, the birth rate has also fallen.
The Catholic Church understands marriage as fundamental to the very fabric of society. Formost men and women, marriage is the vocation to which they are called. When couples marry, they pledge to help the other get to heaven. Cohabitation is not a holy state of life and should not be encouraged. Sadly, some couples move in together before marriage for economic reasons, or move in together to “save money” to afford a big wedding later. Weddings do not have to be expensive, elaborate events. The grace of the sacrament of Marriage is free, and the ceremony itself is beautiful even when it is simple. I wish more young couples would opt for a simple wedding and not wait months or years, settling instead for living together outside of marriage.
We are currently at 81% of our Annual Catholic Appeal goal. Remember, this fund helps our Archbishop fund his numerous ministries throughout the Archdiocese. Many of these ministries help members of our parish directly.
If you haven’t pledged, envelopes are available for you on the table in the narthex. Or, you can pledge online at the Archdiocesan website. Please give something. If every family would give a modest gift, we could meet our goal quickly.