I've always thought it a shame that Advent is such a brief season. In fact, it once lasted forty days but was shortened in the ninth century to its current four Sundays. Sometimes called the Little Lent, the Masses of Advent do have a somewhat somber tone. The color is purple, as in Lent, and the Gloria is suppressed, again, as in Lent. We are asked to use the season to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ. We reflect on the inevitable end of all things and the coming of Christ at the end of time, and we reflect on the Lord's coming as the child in Bethlehem. Our souls must be prepared for these appearances; at the end of time, Christ will return as judge of the living and the dead.
The secular world would have us spend the next several weeks in frenzied shopping and partying. The secular holidays are not designed for prayer and reflection. Thus, the beautiful quiet of Advent is pure grace offered to the Christian faithful.
St. Bernard once wrote that the season of Advent contained within it "some great mystery". The mystery of the Incarnation is wrapped in Divine love, that, despite the stubbornness of sin, has never waned. God loves us immensely. The sending forth of his only son to save us is the crowning act of this love.
I would urge you to use the weeks of Advent to do three things. First, pray more. Perhaps going to a daily Mass each week or spending an hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament would help you see what is truly important in life. Second, read the scriptures every day. Luke's Gospel is a great Advent project. Third, remember the poor and the vulnerable. Charity is a great way to prepare for the coming of the Christ child, himself born poor and with few friends.
This year, we are celebrating the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary on Monday, December 9. Following the 8:15 am Mass, we are going to break ground for our new Marian garden and shrine, on the east lawn of the church. Join us for this glad occasion. Also, know that inscribed bricks are still available for only $150. You can pay that over three months, by the way. We want them to be affordable for all.
We will have several priests available to hear your confession at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, December 17. Most of the priests attending will be able to hear confessions in both English and Spanish. Please note: this will not be a good time for expecting an extended conversation with a priest. These penance services bring out lots of folks (thank goodness) and your confession should be somewhat brief, please.