Our plan is to break ground for our new state of the art Early Childhood Center in the spring of 2024. Currently, we are at $4.8 million in cash and pledges. We need to reach $6 million to break ground. Breaking ground will lock in prices for materials, which will help us win the race against inflation.
To be honest: it’s do or die time for this campaign.
Here’s the plan:
Beginning this month, we’re pushing for 200 new pledges of $100 a month (or, at least $50 a month) for five years. This renewed push could raise up to $1.2 million in new pledges!
Ten Buck Sunday remains a very important collection for us. If we could raise $6,000 a month from that collection, we could raise $72,000 a year. 72 x 5 = 360,000.
Last, but not least at all, if you pay off your pledge for the Stanley Rother Shrine (One Church, Many Disciples), EVERY dime of your gift comes back to St Eugene for the building of the Early Childhood Center. So, if you stopped paying it, or paused your pledge, please, please begin paying on it again.
Once we build the new Childhood Center, we are going to reclaim space from the school for parish ministry. We’ll have room for prayer groups to meet; youth groups; small discipleship groups to meet. So, remember, this campaign is NOT just for our school; it is for the entire parish. Also, think of this: the higher our enrollment, the more young families we attract to the parish. Higher school enrollment also takes financial pressure off the parish. It would free up monies for other important ministries.
I’ve dedicated the campaign to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I’ll soon announce the dates for a novena and will ask you to pray it with me for the success of this project.
I will be in the narthex after the three English Masses to help you with your pledge card.