Are you interested in the Catholic faith? Do you have questions about Catholicism? Are you curious about the Catholic way of life? Are you seeking to complete your Sacraments of Initiation with Confirmation or Eucharist?
If you answered yes, then OCIA is for you!
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a formation/education process for persons desiring to become members of the Catholic Church. The formation element provides opportunities to seek a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through Sacred Scripture, the teachings of the Catholic Church, the Sacraments and the writings of many holy men and women.
The education process studies interesting topics which include church history, the liturgical year, and life issues. The participant travels on a unique journey of faith, with the chance to ask questions about the how and why of all things Catholic.
The OCIA process welcomes all those who are inquiring about the Catholic faith. This may include:
Adults (and their children) who have never been baptized;
Adults (and their children) who are baptized in another denomination and wish to inquire about the Catholic Faith;
Monthly informal gatherings, or "Inquiry Gatherings" typically take place on the third Sunday of the month from 3:30 pm-5:00 pm from January to August. Each meeting has a particular topic to explore about the Catholic Christian way of life. More importantly, however, are the questions or “inquiries” that the attendees bring. Contact Sharon Blakely at [email protected] or Judi Wilkinson at [email protected] to reserve your place at the next Inquiry Gathering!
The Inquiry Period lasts as long as the inquirer needs it to last. Once ready, he/she is invited to take part in first of three rites – the Rite of Acceptance if non baptized or the Rite of Welcoming if baptized. These Rites usually take place on a Sunday during the Fall or during a regularly scheduled class time. The Participants are transitioned into the next period or the "Catechumenate."
In September the process transitions to weekly classes on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM. The classes are generally held in Ross Hall.
The Catechumenate Period begins after the Rite of Acceptance / Rite of Welcoming and is marked for both the Catechumen (non baptized) and the non Catholic Candidates (those validly baptized in another denomination) by a time of serious study and involvement in the faith community of St. Eugene. Weekly Tuesday night classes continue from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
Purification & Enlightenment
The Catechumens (non baptized) and non-Catholic Participants enter the Period of Purification and Enlightenment after the first Sunday of Lent. On the first Sunday of Lent, the Catechumens and Candidates are invited to participate in the second Rite, the Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion. The participants become the “Elect," or those who have responded in faith to the call of God to be His Elect.
This last period of formation continues throughout the season of Lent. It is marked by an emphasis on prayer and reflection that leads to a continuous turning in faith toward the Lord Jesus to follow him in prayer and service.
At the Great Easter Vigil (the Vigil Mass on the night before Easter Sunday), the Catechumens celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. The Candidates are received into the Church and receive the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.
The new members or “Neophytes” continue to gather weekly during the Easter Season to explore how to live out their Baptismal call to holiness and service. This period invites them to grow in their spiritual life through personal prayer and involvement in the community.
Do I need a Sponsor to become part of the OCIA process?
Yes, however, it isn't necessary to begin the process with a Sponsor. The Sponsor is the person who journeys with you to the celebration of the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil and speaks on behalf of the community of your conversion and commitment. Many people inquire about OCIA because they already know someone in the faith community and that person could be invited to sponsor the person when he/she enters the Catechumenate period. However, sometimes God leads people to the doors of the church without knowing a single parishioner. Our parish community strongly participates in stewardship and one of the finest ways to give of oneself is to accompany another person on his/her journey of faith as a Sponsor. Many parishioners offer to do this. During the months of September and October the Inquirers and Sponsors get to know one another and by the time of the Rite of Acceptance a natural pairing takes place. From that time on, each Catechumen or Candidate has his/her own Sponsor as a companion of this Journey of Faith.
Who can qualify as a Sponsor?
To assume the role of Sponsor the following qualifications have to be met:
Has to be a practicing member of the Catholic Church meaning that this person attends weekly Mass and contributes to the life of his/her parish through stewardship. To this end the potential Sponsor will take the "Sponsor Information Form" to his/her parish Pastor for his signature that indicates that he/she is a practicing member of his parish.
Has received the 3 Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Copies of these sacramental certificates are submitted with the signed form.
If married, the potential Sponsor has to be married in the Catholic Church. He/She cannot be living with someone of the opposite gender outside the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Has to be 18 years or older.
What about children?
Children of persons coming into the Catholic Church through Baptism or Profession of Faith and celebration of the other two Sacraments of Initiation receive sacramental preparation, also. Children under the age of 18 are prepared in special classes to celebrate the sacraments. Children aged 18 and over are considered adults and join the adult gatherings.
Usually children under 10 years old usually do not participate in the Great Easter Vigil. Their Sacraments are celebrated during the weeks following Easter, during the Easter Season.
Contact Judi Wilkinson, OCIA Director, at [email protected] for more information. 2024-2025 Classes begin on Tuesday, September 10, 7:00 – 8:30 PM in Ross Hall.
Modern browsers (we suggest Firefox or Chrome) should open the PDF links below in a new window. From there you can either:
a) Fill out the form in the browser and download the form as a PDF file to send as an attachment in an email. Please send the completed form to [email protected].
b) Fill out the form in the browser, print the form, and then bring it in person to submit or mail it to:
St. Eugene c/o Judi Wilkinson
400 W. Hefner Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
If you have any issues filling out the form, you are welcome to stop by the office for assistance or to fill it out in person.
También ofrecemos las clases de OICA en español. Damos clases los viernes, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm y, también, los domingos 10:30 am - 11:50 am. El proceso para los participantes que hablan español es igual al proceso que al proceso para los que hablan inglés. Tienen los mismos etapas y Ritos.
Para más información hay que contactar a Judi Wilkinson en [email protected] or a Fernando Sanchez en [email protected].
Las clases en español empiezan en agosto.